Here’s wishing you all a very Happy 2021! It has been a year filled with anxiety and ambiguity. We enter the new year with a lot of questions, and it is no different on this edition of The First School as well.
This newsletter is not just about answers, it’s about questions too!
Here’s a use-case for all you parents, educators & adults. It’s based on a very interesting and thought-provoking tweet I came across recently:
What a tweet! It shows how the parent picked up a ‘signal’ about her child’s interest, but also the child’s deep understanding of how the parent would react in a given situation. The child was so sure that the parent would stifle her with too many choices, given the slightest chance.
After all, aren’t children allowed to test the waters, without being pulled into the current? Should all their interests be “serious” and “long-lasting”?
Din’t we find joy in wandering, during our childhood?
We get so carried away that we get so imposing at times. And most of the times, we don’t even realise it.
Therefore, I have this ONE BIG QUESTION to ask you! I’m curious to know what your answer or approach is, to the below question:
THE BIG QUESTION: “How do you nurture the interests of children, without being too imposing at the same time?”
I’m looking forward to your responses. I hope you will give this question a good deal of thought, and possibly be prepared when the situation demands it?
If you think somebody in your network will enjoy pondering over this question, why not share it with them?
Picture courtesy: freepik
Happy New Year Sriram. The answer to your question is quite complicated :) I will post my reply soon